INDIAN MADDER (मन्ञिष्टा)- Health benefits, Home remedies, Medicinal propeties

INDIAN MADDER (मन्ञिष्टा)

Indian madder is an herb which is a widely used herb in Ayurveda and Siddha system of medicine. The earliest references of the herb dates back to the Vedic period, in the Aiteraya Aranyaka. The herb was and still is an important part of ancient Indian religious rituals, especially the ‘Upanayana  Samskara’ or the sacred thread ceremony. It is also cited that the warriors wore robes which were dyed red using the herb, as a sign of victory. Talking about its medicinal value, the herb was used to treat skin diseases, arthritis, ulcers, wounds and has cosmetic value. It is a blood purifier and improves the texture and complexion of skin.


Botanical Name Rubia cordifolia
English Name Indian Madder
Tamil Name மஞ்சட்டி
Malayalam Name മഞ്ചട്ടി
Part Used Root

Therapeutic attributes or Rasa Panchaka:


Initial taste(Rasa) Sweet (Madhura), Bitter (Tikta)
Quality(Guna) Heavy (Guru), dry (Rooksha)
Heating or cooling effect(veerya) Heating effect (Ushna)
Post digestive effect(Vipaka) Pungent (Katu)
Special action(Prabhava) Nil


Medicinal uses:

The herb is traditionally used to purify blood and pacify sudden pain. Ayurvedic texts also describes several cosmetic preparations using the same. It is effective in reducing acne and pimples1, increases complexion and purifies blood.

It pacifies pain due to arthritis2 (especially rheumatoid arthritis) and in all types of swelling. It helps in healing wounds3 and has anti-microbial activity (kills viruses and bacteria). It is a known anti-oxidant and prevents platelet (component of blood) aggregation4, thereby purifying blood.

The herb curbs diabetes1 and regulates urine (diuretic1). The derivatives from the herb protects liver5 ( hepato-protective activity) and also heals ulcers1 in the stomach. It also prevents damage to the brain6 (due to its neuro protective nature.) It increases the immunity7 (immune-modulator effect) and calms down the mind, by fighting stress and anxiety8.  Thus it is clear that the herb exhibits its action in all the systems of the body and is fit to be called as a rejuvenating herb.


Active Principles:

Anthraquinones and their glycosides, naphthoquinones and their glycosides, saccharides, carboxylic acids etc. The roots contain a mixture of purpurin, munjistin, small amounts of xanthopurpurin and pseudopurpurin.


Commonly Used formulations containing Indian madder:

  • Pinda taila
  • Mahamanjishtadi kashayam
  • Aravindasavam
  • Chandanasavam
  • Manjishtadi tailam etc


Home remedies:

  1. The powdered root can be used for face pack along with Sandal and turmeric, to remove scars and blemishes.
  2. The root can be boiled with water and that water can be used for drinking, in skin diseases , diabetes and in urinary calculi.



We have tried to provide the essence of the Vedas and Ayurveda Scriptures by interpreting meaning of the text in English through research & investigation. We have used the modern terminologies & technical words of the latest science to give the readers a better understanding and assimilation. If found any errors, kindly bear with us & help us rectify.

Kindly request you not to get into self medication with minimal knowledge, always consult a physician before any medication.


Sources and references:

1) A)Traditional and Modern Use of Indian Madder (Rubia cordifolia L.): An Overview

By Devi Priya M and E Ciril.

B) Development of anti-acne gel formulation of anthraquinone rich fraction from rubia cordifolia.

By Khan N,Karodi R, Siddiqui A, Thube S, Rub R

2) Anti-arthritic property of the plant Rubia cordifolia

By Jaijesh P, Sreenivasan KK,,Kumar PB,Sreejith G, Ciraj AM

3) Evaluation of wound healing activity of a crude extract of Rubia cordifolia

By Karodi R, Jhadav M, Rub R

4) Anti-platelet activating factor property of Rubia cordifolia by Tripathy YB, Shukla SD,Pandey

5) Hepato-protective activity of Rubia cordifolia

By Babita M, Chhaya G, Goldee P

6) Effect of Rubia cordifolia, fagonia cretica and Tinospora cordifolia on free radical generation and oxygen peroxide deprivation in rat hippocampal slices by Rawal Ak, Muddeswar S, Biswas.

7) Immuno-modulating drugs- An overview

By Aslam M,Imtiaz S, Tariq M

8), Anti-inflammatory activity of Rubia cordifolia  Linn. in rats,

ByAntarkar SS, Chinwalla T, Bhatt N

8) Dravya guna Vijnaana By Prof. S D Lucas.